Hi, my name is Robotics Girl. Let me tell you about myself. I am a person who loves tech, but tech isn't the only thing I love. The other thing is Earth. I found out my passion for tech and the Earth a couple of years ago. I'm not an isolated person. I tend to be socially active, but because of COVID-19, I'm not so much. I am sort of glad this happened because I wanted to express my feelings about climate change to the world, and I couldn't make speeches or participate in protests about climate due to COVID-19. I was thinking about starting a youtube channel, but I was like no because it took way too long to create it. So here I am. Climate change profoundly affects me. It might not happen to you now, but it will soon if that was a little dark, sorry. Some of the stuff that I will be writing might be dark about climate change, but I am only expressing my opinion, as I said before. This blog will talk about the things we could do to help the environment.
I literally hate climate change for several reasons. Let me tell you this. Our lives will be damaged by it. All of the natural events that are happening are due to climate change. Here are some examples, February 2021 Blizzard in Texas, the heatwaves and fires in the West, the hurricanes, and tropical storms. I think about climate change every day and how it will affect us. It is currently affecting us, but we aren't still doing anything about it. I am so scared because I don't want to die because of something our ancestors caused. I really wish to climate change to end, and that's why I started this blog.
Hopefully, when COVID-19 clears up, I will be able to spread my message, "Climate Change is not a hoax, so start doing things that are helpful to the environment." Some people might say that alternative energy, electric cars, and much more are too expensive. I will agree with that, but you could still do more things to help the earth. If you own a gasoline/petrol car, see if you can get a hybrid vehicle, they still help even though they are not as good as electric cars. Try not to use too much electricity. Try to walk or bike for your body and the earth. The recent events of climate change had a profound effect on me. It feels like soon our doom will come because of the things we do. We look for the easiest way for everything, but we don't realize its effects on us. There will be more extreme weather. This can include hurricanes, tornados, heat waves, blizzards, and many more. All I want is for everybody on the planet to help save the environment. I hope that message will come through this blog that I created.
Bye for now and try to make a difference,
Robotics Girl
Totally, I agree with you on the fact. We have all the evidence and solutions so why can't we implement that into our laws. Also if u do know anybody who is connected to the government pls send this to them. Also, Sonia, I think u gave me a great idea for my next blog post. Also, I read about the UN report. My second post was based on that, and thanks
UN docs have basically confirmed we don't have much time left before some things become completely irreversible, so if I may suggest in addition to your spreading the word, make sure we know to stop totally blaming the individual when governments and large companies need to make big changes. *They* need to feel a sense of urgency or else nothing's gonna get done. #policychange (btw I love what you've done here).