Hey guys!!!!!!! It's Robotics Girl. I have not been adding any posts lately because I was trying to plan out my new domain for Climate Change with Tech. Sorry, Guys! Anyways, let's get started...
First up, Greta Thunberg says that world leaders are talking nonsense because they have been saying the same things for the past thirty years, and I agree with her because (personally) I believe that we need to start taking some action. Scientists say that carbon emissions will rise by 16% by 2030, and that's nine years. That is a vast number when you think about it, and I wouldn't say I like it. People, not just the government, should take action because the Earth is our home, and do we want to destroy our homes? I say "No!" Do we want our kids or future generations to suffer even more scary and dangerous things than their paths are already set for because of what we have done so far? I say, "No!"
Next up is the rain in the Bay Area. Today, Sunday, it is raining heavily because of the precipitation from the rainstorm in the Pacific. I love the fact that the rain is back. Even though the rain will not end the drought, at least it will decrease the chances of wildfires. Be careful, peeps! One more thing before we stop talking about this, sadly, even though I can go on and on about it. The North Bay will get a lot of rain in the morning, and the South Bay will get a lot more rain in the evening. #StayDryandSafe
That's it! Try to make a difference, walk and bike (it's good for the environment and you), participate in peaceful protests, recycle, conserve water, try to hybrid or electric cars, don't use too much electricity, buy reusable, plant plants, and spread the message that climate change is not a hoax. Again, stay safe and dry!
-Robotics Girl
Fruitlessly searching for the clapping emoji, but I can't find it, so let's just collectively pretend it's here.